Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Let Your Light So Shine...

We live in the country where there are no street lights. When we turn out the lights at night the darkness becomes a shroud over the house. You literally cannot see a foot in front of your face. Our stairway is steep and in that darkness it can be a bit tricky to navigate. At first I would turn on the hall light if I had to go downstairs in the middle of the night, but it would wake up my husband. Finally I put a nightlight at the top of the staircase. To my surprise that tiny light cast a glow throughout both floors of the house so that even with all of the other lights in the house off, you can still see enough in every room to move around safely. 
That reminded me of the passage in Matthew chapter 5, verse 14. It says, “You are the light of the world, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” If that little tiny nightlight can make such a difference in a dark house, then surely we as Christians would illuminate the nations if we would do as it says in verse 16 and let our light so shine before men. What an amazing thought it is, that my life could be enough to allow someone else to navigate safely to the Father’s house. Our tiny light can be used to bring praise and glory to our Heavenly Father.

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