Sometimes we need to take a break, get alone with God and
let Him show us areas of our life He wants to deal with. I was led to take a
little hiatus this summer and really sit at the feet of the Lord and LISTEN.
Well, some of it I liked a lot, some made me cry tears of repentance and some
left me saying, "Wow God."
No matter who we are, or what we do, we all have a primary ministry if we are married or mothers or both. That is a ministry to our family. I have always known that, but knowing and doing is sometimes different. For example, praying for my husband and giving him encouragement from the Word is easy for me. Keeping a very clean, and organized home, is NOT easy for me. In all of my busyness over the past couple of years of conferences, new book releases and helping others start their ministries, I had neglected the thing that makes my husband happy; a clean and organized house. And boy, when you begin to let things go, they snowball pretty fast. Those were the tears of repentance. Personally, my home was a disaster and my family felt neglected.

Thankfully, God always provides what we need when He sends us to a task. He provided a wonderful friend, Tabatha, who is amazing at organization and cleaning, and she, Melissa (my personal assistant) and I went to work. We donated, we threw out, we organized, and we scrubbed. I cannot tell you how much freedom there is in a clean house. There are still a few nooks and crannies to de-clutter and clean, but overall, it is transformed to what it should have been in the first place. My husband is already happier and I am so much happier. Now, rather than having a huge cloud hanging over my head when I walk in the door, exhausted, and see the mess. I can spend 15 minutes a day keeping things picked up, swept, etc. And when my husband walks in, he can see that I love him, even if I’m not here to tell him.
The summer hiatus for renewal is almost over and I will be back to writing and ministry full swing, with my short cleaning breaks in between.
I write this because I know I’m not alone. As I posted updates on facebook, there was an outcry from women saying how much they admired my energy, or organization. They wanted to get motivated, but they could not; they didn’t know where to start. The responses went on and on, often from women I thought were far better in this area than I am. Most of them were private messages because they were too ashamed to admit their lack of zeal for their homes in public.
It broke my heart for my friends and for women in general.
When did we go from June Cleaver to master hoarders? How did we allow the enemy
to inflict something into our homes that would burden us with such guilt and
feelings of failure?
Corinthians 10:4-5
New King James Version (NKJV)
For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down
strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to
the obedience of Christ.
Does this scripture apply
here? I believe it does. When the enemy of our souls uses something to heap
guilt and shame upon our minds, it is spiritual warfare. Cleaning my house was
not the weapon that freed my mind from the guilt. Time with God, time in His
Word, and surrendering this area of my life to the Holy Spirit is what resulted
in freedom. I then had the release to ask for help. It was only after the guilt
was not holding me in chains that I could do the things in the physical that
needed to be done. It all started in the spiritual.
We, as women, get so
busy doing all of the things we are supposed to be doing, that we often forget
the most important parts of our life. We forget that everything in the natural
is directly affected by things in the spiritual. It’s not a battle over dust-bunnies.
It is a battle for our families. There are six things I have to do each day, no
matter where I am or what is going on. When I allow God to lead my thoughts and
actions toward my family, I defeat the attack of the enemy that says to neglect
them before it even comes my way.
- 1. I must pray for my heart to be right in every situation.
- 2. I must forgive any offense I have encountered from my family.
- 3. I must pray for my husband; that God would guard his heart, prosper his work and cover him with protection. (If you have children, pray the same for them.)
- 4. I must consider first, what the needs of my home are for the day.
- 5. I must communicate my love for my family in a language they will understand.
- 6. I must take personal inventory of my heart and allow God to purge anything that would get in the way of what HE wants to do in me that day.
As women, especially wives and mothers, we are given a
responsibility to be the caregivers of those in our homes. It’s not just about
a clean house. It’s about showing them
our love through the giving of our time and our commitment to them. It’s about
knowing that they are the most important to us because they are so important to
God. It is truly the ministry of being a wife, or a mother, or both. We are
called and ordained to it, now, let’s do it.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that my primary ministry is my family. Sometimes it feels more "fun" to do the other stuff. Especially compared to the nitty gritty of housework! But God gave me my family first, to serve and love and care for. Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteYou're right Angela, the other stuff is so much fun. Glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks for your comment.
ReplyDeleteBoy, did I need to read this and be reminded. Sometimes I get so "scattered" with doing for others and making sure the church and school looks good--I neglect my home and husband. Thanks, Pamela--spot on with this!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Sharon. I think we all need to be reminded sometimes. :)