Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is it Yeast or Pride?

I have been trying to learn how to make home-baked bread. So far the results have been less than perfect. Several times my bread has not risen the way it is supposed to. Someone told me that I probably had the water too warm when I disolved the yeast.  The next time I tried cooler water, it still didn’t rise. The same person explained ever so gently that I must have gotten it too cold that time. She said that the only way the bread could get puffed up by the yeast is if it has a lukewarm environment.

The whole thing sounded biblical to me. Jesus said that we should be either hot or cold, but lukewarm is not what He wants from us. That makes sense because it is the fermenting process of the yeast that causes the bread to rise and become puffed up. If we are lukewarm spiritually it certainly allows things in our lives to bubble up and ferment, leaving us puffed up with pride.

Lukewarm may be good for yeast, but it is not good for yielding to the Lord. For that I pray that God will send His fire to keep my faith piping hot.

Revelation 3:16 (NLT)

"But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!"


  1. Well now, I have more to think about AND I want some fresh bread!

    Thank you, Pam.

  2. Thanks for reading Kathy. I want some fresh bread too...hmmm...we need to go to a fresh breadery and have a cup of coffee. ;)
